That’s something that Square Enix and People Can Fly have found out with Outriders since it launched in the first week of April, as they faced a litany of issues. Among them include overloaded servers due to the sheer number of people playing the game and crossplay not working as intended, although they’ve since gotten around those. Unfortunately, as much as People Can Fly is doing its best to put the proverbial fires out, one particularly big flame continues to rage on, with the inventory wipe bug still being a big issue.
What Is The Inventory Wipe Bug in Outriders?
People Can Fly’s Outriders launched in April following multiple delays and an extensive free demo period. However, as mentioned earlier, the developers have since found out that a successful demo does not equate to a successful launch. In particular, the surge in the game’s popularity has overloaded the servers. But, none of the numerous bugs and issues currently plaguing Outriders are as bad as the one that wipes out entire inventories. Players have rightfully referred to it as the “inventory wipe bug.” As the name suggests, it causes all players to lose their gear for no reason at all. Naturally, this has caused a lot of uproar online. Players who’ve dedicated dozens if not hundreds of hours to playing Outriders since its demo have found themselves losing all traces of their progress. As of the moment, the bug has forced some gamers to avoid Outriders completely. Although many believe that the bug will be fixed, a lot just simply don’t want to risk losing their investment. Many are avoiding Outriders until Square Enix and People Can Fly can guarantee that their gear are in safe hands.
Has The Outriders Inventory Wipe Bug Been Fixed?
These server-side changes have helped reduce occurrences since Saturday. 1/3 — Outriders (@Outriders) April 12, 2021 If it’s any consolation, the public outcry has not fallen on deaf ears. People Can Fly has consistently kept players in the loop and updated as to what its done to fix the update over the past few days. PCF is also offering to restore any and all items that players may have lost so far, although not everyone seems to have gotten their gear back. Unfortunately, as far as fixing the bug completely, People Can Fly can’t provide as to when exactly that’ll happen. Right now, people are still reporting missing gear following their most recent update specifically addressing the issue. While People Can Fly is aware that this is a game-breaking bug, they have offered an unconventional solution. In a recent tweet via the Outriders social media account, the devs explained that players should force close and reboot the game as soon as they notice that at least one of their gear starts missing. Hopefully, People Can Fly can find a way to fix this bug permanently. Otherwise, they risk losing all the good will that they’ve fostered so far after making a strong case for why video game demos should return. Outriders is currently available on the Xbox Game Pass library. It launched on April 1 on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and the PC.