As he spends his days recovering from what many believe is a permanent hiatus, the third-generation WWE superstar was spotted liking a tweet implying that COVID-19 vaccines are the reason for the number of athletes suffering from sudden deaths. Specifically, the tweet, which was published by Mike Coudrey, said: It didn’t take long for the internet to get wind of Orton’s apparent support for the tweet, although not everyone is ready to join the mob just yet. A handful of users have defended Orton and believe that he’s got every right to believe in what he believes is true. But, the vast majority are ready to cancel Orton. For what it’s worth, Orton has since removed the like after fans started mentioning him in their tweets. It’s highly unlikely for the WWE to get involved following this controversial chain of events. The WWE has more pressing matters to deal with such as the resignation of Stephanie McMahon and the return of Vince McMahon as well as an impending sale.

Fans are calling out Randy Orton for being anti vax - 11Fans are calling out Randy Orton for being anti vax - 90Fans are calling out Randy Orton for being anti vax - 15